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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Disegno e Gestione degli Interventi Sociali


This course chooses to invest in an interdisciplinary approach extending beyond the foundations given in the first cycle degrees, based on proximity and succession of professional and sociological subjects.

Here, right in first year there is a close comparison among sociological subjects, purposefully specific and not theoretical (Social Issues, Family and Local Welfare Services Policies) psychological subjects not limiting to the juvenile stages (Psychology of the Life Span), professional subjects (Biography, Social Culture and Services - another subject equally focussing on life span), specific economical subjects (Economy of Social Intervention) and political-philosophical ones that enable students to produce thought-out judgement in social politics (Theories of Justice and Social Intervention).

In both years of the course a theme that crosses the entire curriculum is the enhancement of the verification and evaluation phases of social intervention. Great importance is also given to all subjects dedicated to the study of management control, auditing and working of local welfare systems. At the same time law subjects are focussed on the core topics of the course (Civil Law of Minors, Special Penal and Minors Law).

In the second year of the course the burden of the exams becomes lighter, with a political science subject purposefully empirical, focussing on local governments and inter-institutional relations (Local Policies) and the choice of two advanced subjects in sociology. This and a consistent number of elective subjects leave room for the internship, the second year seminar and the dissertation write up. In this manner the curriculum further  develops its interdisciplinary approach already established by the compulsory subjects and opens to further knowledge on subjects pertinent to the dissertation or of interest to the student.

Objectives of the course

The programme trains professionals of social policies and managers of social services. The multidisciplinary approach, typical of all degree programmes of the "Cesare Alfieri" is completed here by a range of curricular experiences and professional studies that will enrich critical knowledge in the functioning of different organisations involved in prevention and treatment of individual difficulties.

Graduates will be called upon to plan and organise social intervention.

During the two years of the course students will be expanding the knowledge acquired during their bachelor's degree in sociology, politics, economics enabling them - in their future working situations - to recognise and navigate among emerging social issues, welfare and reference services policy models and related economic-organisational dynamics, the social and political characteristics of local contexts also in comparative mode.

Students will also acquire sound knowledge of all tools offered by psychology and traditional methodologies applied to social service. They will sharpen their knowledge of the penal and civil law frameworks in which they will intervene. Where useful, subjects focus on the specific problems of interventions aimed at protecting minors, a perspective traditionally characterising this programme.

In addition to the subjects mentioned there are seminar activities, the internship and the dissertation research. Internships are carried out in Tuscany and are planned in close cooperation with the different institutions that are associated with the degree programme, the supervisors of the course and the student and are constantly overviewed by the tutor.  The optional research internship is part of specific projects agreed with partnering institutional bodies.

The internship is evaluated after its conclusion with a proper grade and not just pass or fail on the basis of the student's write up and its oral presentation and it is an essential part of the educational path. To those students intending to sit for the section "A" of the national board exam it is recommended to associate the internship experience with the topic of the dissertation.

Occupational outcomes

Executive positions in the public sector in the planning of social services and socio-medical services at local, regional, national and European level.

Managerial positions with associations or organisations providing social and socio-medical services.

Research activities in the public and private sectors on social issues and related policies.

This degree gives access to the position of "Specialised Social Worker" after passing the national board exam - section "A".

last update: 29-Nov-2016
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